Spirituality in older adults and its health benefits: a systematic review

Keywords: Spirituality, Elderly, Health, Health benefits


Objective: to identify the benefits of spirituality in the health of the elderly. Method: narrative bibliographic review, a bibliographic search of original articles published during 2017-2021, in the databases PubMed, Tripdata Base, Cochrane, BVS, ScienceDirect and Lilacs was performed using the descriptors: spirituality, elderly, older adults and health in languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English, advanced search was performed and then compliance with the exclusion and inclusion criteria was verified, finally it was validated by applying methodological guidelines obtaining a sample of 25 documents.  Main results: the selected articles were qualitative, quantitative and mixed; following the content analysis, they were grouped into central categories: spirituality and positive attitude towards life and wellbeing; spirituality and strengthening of mental health; spirituality and biophysical wellbeing; spiritual care and the importance of its approach from nursing and health professionals. Main conclusions: the greatest interest in addressing spirituality in older adults is related to pathological processes and how to address them in a more effective way, in addition to improving their health-related behavior. For future studies, research is needed to deepen specific actions from health sciences, nursing and other areas of knowledge.


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How to Cite
Aponte-Franco, S. M., & Guerrero-Castañeda, R. F. (2022). Spirituality in older adults and its health benefits: a systematic review. ACC CIETNA: Revista De La Escuela De Enfermería, 9(1), 247 - 267. https://doi.org/10.35383/cietna.v9i1.755